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30 Agosto 2018

Training School in Experimental Design

Please find below the information about the next Training School in Experimental Design that will be held in Nottingham, UK on 9 – 11 January 2019. This event is a collaboration between EU H2020 VetBioNet and FRAME   The Training…

8 Agosto 2018

Nomenclatura dei ceppi murini: come orientarsi

Sono aperte le iscrizioni al workshop “Nomenclatura dei ceppi murini: come orientarsi” L’evento si terrà Venerdì 21 Settembre presso il CERC – Fondazione Santa Lucia IRCCS, Via del Fosso Fiorano 64 – Roma, con l’obiettivo di introdurre ad aspetti legati…

7 Agosto 2018

FELASA courses accreditation scheme

FELASA has published the guidelines for the accreditation process of courses that fulfil the requirements of Functions A, B, C and D as defined by EU Directive, Article 23, as well as for designated veterinarians and specialists in laboratory animal…

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