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Dear FELASA Member Delegates and Observers,

Following their first survey earlier this year, the AFSTAL Working Group on sustainability would like to hear about your experiences in reducing the environmental impact of your animal facility.

By filling the questionnaire below (choose English or French) by 20th December 2024, you will be able to share your experience and detail the actions (success and failure) in your facility.



The aim of the group is to develop of an open database to practically support other facilities’ endeavour. It will also allow the group to identify how best to support you.

The group would like to hear about all actions on the reduction of animal facilities’ environmental impact: such as reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and consumption (bedding, single-use consumables, plastics, chemicals, drugs, etc), waste management, decarbonization, and any other action that you deem relevant!

The working group seeks the input of as many people as possible from across the globe and industry. This is not dedicated to experts, but rather open to all professionals working with animals for scientific purposes. Reading this email confirms you belong to the target population invited to participate.

Please share this request with your colleagues and network: Let’s think green and big!

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