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Dear researchers

Please read on – it is important.
The Basel Delaration Society aims to bring together the scientific community to advance the implementation of ethical principles such as the 3Rs in animal research worldwide.

Members of animal welfare organisations are continuing to claim that the implementation of the 3Rs (Reduce, Refine, Replace) is inadequately low in biomedical research labs. Therefore, the Basel Declaration Society has decided to survey researchers like you to determine the degree of 3R awareness and implementation by the research community. This analysis should also highlight the 3R principles and their implementation in animal research laboratories and thereby improve the quality of research.
We therefore kindly ask you to take 10 minutes to complete our questionnaire. Your complete anonymity is 100% guaranteed.
The following link will take you to the staring page of  the survey, which is active until  end of October 2016.

We hope you enjoy providing us with your views and thank you very much for your precious time.

Please share this survey with your research colleagues so that as many colleagues as possible can be reached.

Sincerely yours

Basel Declaration Society<>

Ana Isabel Moura Santos, PhD
Professora Auxiliar | Assistant Professor
NOVA Medical School | Faculdade de Ciências Médicas
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Campo dos Mártires da Pátria, 130  | 1169-056 Lisboa
Tel.: +351 218 803 030 | Fax: +351 218 803 006
E-mail:<>  |<>

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